5.4. How Many Posting Accounts Do We Need?

How Many Posting Accounts Do We Need?

Each Enterprise Posting Account links your ATS system to eQuest via the Posting Account username and password. These credentials are stored within your ATS and sent (behind the scenes) to eQuest when the user posts. Users don't actually log into eQuest manually. Users will see the eQuest boards allowed to that Posting Account, based on the username/password combination.

One Account or Many Accounts?

eQuest Posting Accounts are generally used to dictate Job Board Permissions. So even though you may have many Users on the ATS side, it doesn't necessarily mean you need more than one account within eQuest. The number of Posting Accounts you'll need primarily depends on your job board Permission needs.

For example, if all users should have access to the same job board accounts, there may not be a need for more than one eQuest Posting Account. As displayed in the Option 1 diagram below, you can have many ATS Users funneled through a single eQuest Posting Account.

Basic Setup

Multiple ATS Users using one eQuest Posting Account with shared boards

In this case all Users will have access to the exact same job board accounts.

Advanced Setup

Multiple ATS Users using their own individual eQuest Posting Account with unique board permissions per Posting Account.

In this case each ATS User will only have access to the Job Board accounts that were allowed to their eQuest Posting Account. If all Users shouldn't have access to all job boards, you may want to set up one eQuest Posting Account per unique set of job board Permissions. In the diagram above eQuest Posting Account 'a' only has access to Monster, while account 'b' only has access to Careerbuilder. Account 'c' has access to Dice and eFinancialCareers. Additionally, if you have more than one account at a job board you can grant each eQuest Posting Account access to their specific job board account.

Please note that some of our ATS partners do not allow more than one account per company, so option 2 may not be available. Check with your ATS to confirm this is possible.

Reporting Needs

If you need to determine which users are posting to each job board account, you can accomplish this with either setup approach. The "Posting" account username is included in the eQuest Activity Reports, as well as the Posting Account/Recruiter Name. Although you may have opted for a single eQuest Posting account, your ATS may be able to pass over the individual Account/Recruiter Name. 'recruiter_name' is the name of the Account/Recruiter Name field in the eQuest API. If your ATS is not sending the Account/Recruiter Name at all, the value stored in the eQuest account profile will be used in the eQuest Activity Reports.

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