All active Board instances that were created in the Boards section will be listed in the left column of the Permissions section.
When a new board instance is set up in the Boards section, it is not allowed to any Posting Accounts by default. This means no one can post to this board without taking a couple of additional steps. In the screenshot below, "51Job" is not allowed to any Posting Account as noted with the "denied" status at the top/root level of the user tree (in this example, "Roritor").
All accounts below, in gray, have inherited that default status of "denied".
To allow a board to all Accounts, first select the board that you would like to allow in the left hand column. Next click the top level folder ('Roritor'), toggling it to allowed. This will allow all Posting Accounts by default (displayed in gray) below the top level folder, to inherit access to 51Job.
To allow a Board to some but not all accounts, you can toggle the top level folder to allowed followed by setting all accounts that should not get access to denied. This means the 'north-america' Posting Account in the example below inherits allowed status while all others are explicitly denied.
Alternatively you can toggle the top level folder to denied and then allow the board only to specific accounts. In this case we overrode the denied access for 'south-america' by toggling that account to allowed status, while all other accounts are explicitly denied.
This article covers setting Permissions by Job Board account, but you can also set permissions by Posting Account. See Related Articles for Setting Permissions by Posting Account.