5.1. Account Preferences

Account Preferences

In the Account Preferences section you can set:

  • The Job Posting Interface Language
  • Enable Posting Email Confirmations

You can also enable/disable the Preferences tab for users.

To access Account Preferences select the top level of the Account tree or any account or Subgroup in the tree, click the pencil icon, and click Preferences.

Preference Options

  1. Interface Language (select the eQuest Post Interface language)
  2. See Confirmation Page (in the current version, the confirmation page will always be displayed)
  3. Send Email Posting Confirmations with option to use an alternate email address.
  4. Allow users to change these settings (when set to 'No' these settings are locked)
Toggle or set any of these options to the desired values. Don't forget to 'Save' your changes.

From the User Perspective

Click the user icon on the Job Posting Interface to get the "Settings" option.

The User will see the default value Settings with an option to override some of the values.

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