2. LinkedIn (New Posting Authorization Process)

Changes to the LinkedIn Job Posting Authorization Process

    Action Required by March 17, 2023 For All Existing LinkedIn Setups       

In late 2022 and into 2023, LinkedIn rolled out a new onboarding/authorization process which was designed to enhance the job posting and setup process - keeping it all in one system versus two. 

How This Used to Work

In the past, customers were required to set up a LinkedIn board instance within eQuest, and then separately log onto their  LinkedIn to account handle an additional step which was required to authorize eQuest to post on behalf of their company.

What is Changing?

In an effort to streamline this process, there will now be a LinkedIn onboarding widget within eQuest. This will allow customers to select and change the job posting contracts linked to an eQuest/LinkedIn board instance from within eQuest thus eliminating the need to navigate to LinkedIn/Recruiter as a separate step. 

All existing LinkedIn setups in eQuest must be updated by _March 17th_ to prevent an interruption in posting.

LinkedIn Recruiter Admin Permissions Required

The eQuest administrator that is configuring and managing your job board options in eQuest must be a LinkedIn Recruiter Admin (related LinkedIn kb article) on your account in order to carry out the setup in eQuest. They will also need your LinkedIn ContractID & CompanyID, slot purchase amount, etc.

Steps for Updating an Existing LinkedIn Instance in eQuest

  1. Open an existing LinkedIn board instance - select the green "Update Contract" button
  2. If you're not already signed into the LinkedIn account as a Recruiter Admin you will be prompted to log in
  3. If you have a seat on multiple LinkedIn contracts, select the one you would like to connect to the eQuest setup
    * If you only have a single contract, it will be selected by default
  4. Next, select the default Job Poster to display alongside your jobs
  5. Select the "Confirm" button in the widget - once the widget is closed, "Save" the eQuest board instance

    You should see a message indicating that "Premium Job Posting is enabled". Next close the widget (1) and Save the board instance changes (2).

Steps for Setting Up a New LinkedIn Instance in eQuest

1. While in the eQuest Admin account, select the "Boards" option
2. Select the "New Board" button at the top of the page
3. Select or enter "LinkedIn_Slots" (or "LinkedIn_API") in the Job Board menu
4. Label the board instance, enter, your slot inventory and select a Default LinkedIn Industry. Enter a placeholder value into the ContractID field - it can be any numeric value, it's only temporary to allow you to finish this initial step of the process.
5. "Save" the board instance - this will close it
6. Reopen the same board instance you just created - select the green "Update Contract" button
7. If you're not already signed into the LinkedIn account as a Recruiter Admin you will be prompted to log in
8. If you have a seat on multiple LinkedIn contracts, select the one you would like to connect to the eQuest setup
    * If you only have a single contract, it will be selected by default
9. Next, select the default Job Poster to display alongside your jobs
10. Select the "Confirm" button in the widget - once the widget is closed, "Save" the eQuest board instance 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q: Do these steps [to update LinkedIn] need to be carried out for each of our LinkedIn board instances in eQuest?
A: Yes. In cases where you have multiple instances of LinkedIn, this must be handled for each board instance - even in cases where multiple LinkedIn instances share the same ContractId and CompanyId.

Q: What LinkedIn Permissions are necessary to complete this setup?
The user just needs to be a LinkedIn Admin with Dashboard Manager Admin or Recruiter Admin Privileges. The project access is not relevant for use of the widget for this setup. 

Q: What happens if we don't update LinkedIn by March 17th?
If these updates have not been carried out by March 17th, job posting via eQuest will no longer work.

Q: Will job posting continue to work prior to March 17th?
Yes. Backward compatibility is in place and is supported by LinkedIn and eQuest until March 17th. However, we recommend not putting off the updates until last minute in case there are issues.

Q:What should happen after clicking the "Confirm" button in the LinkedIn widget?
You should see a message indicating that "Premium Job Posting is enabled." See setup steps above.

Q: Can we assign different default job posters to our eQuest LinkedIn setups?
Only a single default job poster can be assigned per LinkedIn contract/id. When setting up multiple eQuest/LinkedIn board instances (where the contract is the same), only the one job poster can be applied to all board instances. 

Q: Can we update the default job poster assigned to our eQuest LinkedIn setup?
The widget allows the customer to update the default job poster value anytime in the future.

Q: Why am I not seeing any default job poster options? (step 4 above)
Start typing out an email address, and default job poster email addresses that are associated with the LinkedIn contract should be presented. If you don't get any results, the email address you've entered is not recognized by LinkedIn.

Q: Can we override the default job poster (per job) during the job posting process?
Users can override this default email address by using the "LinkedIn Profile Email" field on the Board Specific Data step of the eQuest job posting process. This field indicates the email address of another user on the job contract, other than the default email address setup at Linkedin's end.

Q: What are the different widget states?
There are three widget states:
Not Connected: After logging into the widget for the first time and no default job-poster is selected yet, the widget displays "Not Connected".
Premium Job Posting is requested: After a default job poster is selected and 'Confirm' is clicked, the widget will show "Premium Job Posting is requested".
Premium Job Posting is enabled: Finally, after the default job poster is associated with this integration, the widget state will be displayed as "Premium Job Posting is enabled".

Troubleshooting - Possible Issues

  • If 3rd party cookies or cross-site tracking are disabled within your browser, the widget will not load:

  • If you're not assigned as a Recruiter Admin on your LinkedIn account, the widget will not load

Support (when to contact eQuest vs LinkedIn)

  • Contact eQuest if you have issues opting into the widget
  • Contact eQuest if you have posting issues after configuring the widget
  • Contact LinkedIn if you don't have Recruiter Admin permissions
  • Contact LinkedIn if you have general job posting questions outside of the widget.

Article Change Log

Date of Update Change Description
01/23/2023 General outline
01/25/2023 Fixed Job Posting Widget LinkedIn article link
02/21/2023 Added FAQ's for questions regarding default LinkedIn recruiter and the access necessary to configure job posting permissions via the widget. Also added information about how to determine a successful setup, and some clarity around completing the setup process.
03/17/2023 Fixed references to the selection of a default "recruiter" - should have been default "job poster". Added FAQ "Why am I not seeing any default job poster options?". Added anchors and links to each FAQ for easy sharing.

Last Updated: March 17, 2023

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