5. Release Notes (2020)

December 10, 2020 (In testing on Dec 4, 2020)

 Ticket #
[POSTING]New PayPal payment option for Xpress users.
[INTERNAL]Added option to disable  reenable Xpress boards (previously only had delete option).
#17116[ADMIN]Added option for 'ATS-Admins' to allow Xpress boards to their managed groups.
[INTERNAL]Added option to show Company Name on Manager search results page.
[INTERNAL]Added "Expired" option to Manager Reporting search terms.
[ADMIN]Added "Expired" option to Admin Reporting search terms.
[INTERNAL]New option to hide disabled groups/zones from default view in Manager.  
[BOARDS]Support for Seek Ad Type widget (BSD). Only allowed to pilot customers at this time.
[WORKDAY]Workday validation tool in admin now checks Post_Job configuration.
[INTERNAL]Internal tool to purge posting expiration alert emails if requested by a customer.  
[ADMIN]Minor admin cleanup on Permissions page  toned down allowed/not allowed colors.
Fixed authentication error in native sample_app_post emulator. 
#16816[ADMIN]Fixed link to Release Notes in Admin user menu (upper right-hand corner).
#16152[ADMIN]Fixed incorrect displaying of subgroup activity on Posting Accounts page.
#17046[ADMIN]Fixed bug that changed permissions in some scenarios when editing Posting Account info.
#15411[ADMIN]Fixed bug that restricted selection of Auto-Repost when board is in Favorite grouping.

July 8, 2020 (In testing on June 25, 2020)

 Ticket #
[INTERNAL]ORC request evaluation tool
[ADMIN]New optional reporting columns to reflect price for Craigslist
[POSTING]Fixed cases where an Invalid Job State/Province error was presented incorrectly
[SECURITY]Modified code to prevent Cross-site Scripting / iFrame Injection in industry list
[SECURITY]Modified code to prevent Cross-site scripting / iFrame injection in activity report
[SECURITY]Addressed potential MySql injection in managers group report
[INTERNAL]Fixed cases where request type in api/PostDraft was marked as error (ENV)
[POSTING]Fixed cases where State/Province field is empty but allows to continue posting 
[INTERNAL]Added a flag to enable env logging for WD group (disabled by default)
[ADMIN]Fixed scenario where Needs Review flag for Company Name is deselected
Added option to subscribe to system notifications within admin (upper right side in menu)

March 21, 2020 (In testing on March 4, 2020)

 Ticket #
Bug Fix 
#16222[ADMIN]Job Search Cleanup: boards selection, board order + results count 
#16154[ADMIN]UI: System incorrectly shows role of ATS-admin true
#9423[ADMIN]Display Only Active Boards on Custom Source ID Page 
#16284[API]Group Level Toggle to Control API Response for Edit vs Select Destinations 
#16274[API]API returns job edit link instead of Board Destinationtrue
#16214[API]Return job edit url from new API in case of Need Review fields enabled 
#16344[API]Return Posting Status for Top-Level Spawned Boardtrue
#16370[INTERNAL]Audit report page: field for count of records on page 
#16360[INTERNAL]Internal: Audit report page: add pagination 
#15953[INTERNAL]Alert When WD Integration Config is Modified 
#15894[INTERNAL]Add Auth Group ID and UI Group ID to Managers Job Search and Audit 
#9633[INTERNAL]Add Tooltip for Public Key in WD Config Utility 
#15991[INTERNAL}Easy-to-Read ORC ENV Requests 
#16100[INTERNAL}Include WD Payload from Job Posting Sites Sync in ENV 
#16099[INTERNAL}Include WD Deletes from Sync in ENV 
#16098[INTERNAL}Include WD Updates from Sync in ENV 
#15994[POSTING]Auto-populate Country if a Valid State/Province is Received 
#16237[WORKDAY]AutoPost Toggle in WD Configuration Section 
#16428[WORKDAY]Disable "From Cert" Button when WD Autopost enabled 

February 07, 2020 (Hotfix Release)

  • [API] Fix for scenario where html-encoded characters in the Job Title were not decoded. (16374)
  • [API] Fixed bug that returned job edit (Job Details) link in the POST /drafts response vs the URL to the Select Destinations page. (16274)
  • [ADMIN] Introduced group toggle (available to eQuest support) to control API behavior when "Needs Review" flag is enabled. Enabling this flag returns job edit link vs Select Destinations link in POST /drafts response. (16284)
  • [API] Fixed bug that returned Posting ID (GET /postings) for spawned network postings (e.g. Blast!) vs the Posting ID of the top-level posting. (16344)

    See Force Review Flag section of API Guide for more information on the usage of this feature.

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