1. Release Notes (2024)

Test Zone Release (April 10, 2024) - Production release (May 26, 2024)

Internal Ticket Description
21922 Addition of "Key Customer" flag in Groups (internal)
21903 Accept Webhook URL in API Job/Posting Request (for posting status)
21735 Fixed 500 error on multiple ORC configuration saves
21546 Fixed ORC setup failure (500) upon entering a host URL that doesn't exist
19101 New logic to force the use of HTTPS in ORC hostname
22129 Fixed admin job search requisition number search (excessive) slowness
21907 Fixed the time zone on the Env search page (internal)
21877 Modified some Industry Labels in the admin and job posting UI
21867 Removed Requirement for Title in Splash Notifications (internal)
21516 Support for custom order of additional data elements (internal)
21457 Added CDT timezone option for Admin Search
21300 Added Visual Indicator on Board List for Invalid LinkedIn_Slots setup
21039 API to get all jobs that belong to a root group (internal)
18707 Include Board Instance "Lock" actions in Audit report
22224 Restrict ORC Integration Package Download to Environment
22223 Include Additional Info in Manager Posting Details (internal)
22225 Additional options in Manager Group Menu (internal)
19227 Fixed issue where already used Mgr search terms were removed from option/list (internal)
22222 Include Posting Expiration Date in Manager Postings table (internal)
22229 Option for admins to link out to board instance from Postings table
22219 Option to toggle between Manager/Admin job view (internal)
22220 Option to link out to ENV requests from Manager job view (internal)
22228 Fixed issue where admin Postings table spanned into page margin


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