December 10, 2020 (In testing on Dec 4, 2020)
Ticket #
| Category
| Description
| [POSTING] | New PayPal payment option for Xpress users.
| [INTERNAL] | Added option to disable — reenable Xpress boards (previously only had delete option).
#17116 | [ADMIN] | Added option for 'ATS-Admins' to allow Xpress boards to their managed groups. |
| [INTERNAL] | Added option to show Company Name on Manager search results page. |
| [INTERNAL] | Added "Expired" option to Manager Reporting search terms. |
| [ADMIN] | Added "Expired" option to Admin Reporting search terms. |
| [INTERNAL] | New option to hide disabled groups/zones from default view in Manager.
| [BOARDS] | Support for Seek Ad Type widget (BSD). Only allowed to pilot customers at this time.
| [WORKDAY] | Workday validation tool in admin now checks Post_Job configuration. |
| [INTERNAL] | Internal tool to purge posting expiration alert emails if requested by a customer.
| [ADMIN] | Minor admin cleanup on Permissions page — toned down allowed/not allowed colors. |
#17331 | [INTERNAL]
| Fixed authentication error in native sample_app_post emulator.
#16816 | [ADMIN] | Fixed link to Release Notes in Admin user menu (upper right-hand corner). |
#16152 | [ADMIN] | Fixed incorrect displaying of subgroup activity on Posting Accounts page. |
#17046 | [ADMIN] | Fixed bug that changed permissions in some scenarios when editing Posting Account info. |
#15411 | [ADMIN] | Fixed bug that restricted selection of Auto-Repost when board is in Favorite grouping. |
July 8, 2020 (In testing on June 25, 2020)
Ticket #
| Category
| Description
| [INTERNAL] | ORC request evaluation tool
| [ADMIN] | New optional reporting columns to reflect price for Craigslist
| [POSTING] | Fixed cases where an Invalid Job State/Province error was presented incorrectly
| [SECURITY] | Modified code to prevent Cross-site Scripting / iFrame Injection in industry list
| [SECURITY] | Modified code to prevent Cross-site scripting / iFrame injection in activity report
| [SECURITY] | Addressed potential MySql injection in managers group report
| [INTERNAL] | Fixed cases where request type in api/PostDraft was marked as error (ENV)
| [POSTING] | Fixed cases where State/Province field is empty but allows to continue posting
| [INTERNAL] | Added a flag to enable env logging for WD group (disabled by default)
| [ADMIN] | Fixed scenario where Needs Review flag for Company Name is deselected
#7717 | [ADMIN]
| Added option to subscribe to system notifications within admin (upper right side in menu)
March 21, 2020 (In testing on March 4, 2020)
Ticket #
| Category
| Description
| Bug Fix
#16222 | [ADMIN] | Job Search Cleanup: boards selection, board order + results count |
#16154 | [ADMIN] | UI: System incorrectly shows role of ATS-admin | true |
#9423 | [ADMIN] | Display Only Active Boards on Custom Source ID Page |
#16284 | [API] | Group Level Toggle to Control API Response for Edit vs Select Destinations |
#16274 | [API] | API returns job edit link instead of Board Destination | true |
#16214 | [API] | Return job edit url from new API in case of Need Review fields enabled |
#16344 | [API] | Return Posting Status for Top-Level Spawned Board | true |
#16370 | [INTERNAL] | Audit report page: field for count of records on page |
#16360 | [INTERNAL] | Internal: Audit report page: add pagination |
#15953 | [INTERNAL] | Alert When WD Integration Config is Modified |
#15894 | [INTERNAL] | Add Auth Group ID and UI Group ID to Managers Job Search and Audit |
#9633 | [INTERNAL] | Add Tooltip for Public Key in WD Config Utility |
#15991 | [INTERNAL} | Easy-to-Read ORC ENV Requests |
#16100 | [INTERNAL} | Include WD Payload from Job Posting Sites Sync in ENV |
#16099 | [INTERNAL} | Include WD Deletes from Sync in ENV |
#16098 | [INTERNAL} | Include WD Updates from Sync in ENV |
#15994 | [POSTING] | Auto-populate Country if a Valid State/Province is Received |
#16237 | [WORKDAY] | AutoPost Toggle in WD Configuration Section |
#16428 | [WORKDAY] | Disable "From Cert" Button when WD Autopost enabled |
February 07, 2020 (Hotfix Release)