7.4. Tracking Completed Candidate Job Applies

Completed Apply Tracking Beacon

The eQuest tracking beacon gives you the ability to track completed candidate job applies from within your ATS.

Why Use the Tracking Beacon?

Gaining insight into job board and social media performance is critical. eQuest provides you the candidate source information (from which board the candidate responded) and can measure which career sites provide more completed applications than others. It can also measure "candidate drop off rate";– the difference between the numbers of candidates hitting your site compared to how many are completing an application. 

How it Works

Once eQuest has published a recruiter's job to one or more boards, a candidate apply button "click" (at the job board) is tracked and stored by eQuest. When the new 'Completed Apply' HTML pixel is embedded in the "thank you" page of your career site, eQuest can then determine that the candidate that just completed the application process is the same candidate that initiated the apply process at the job board. This is key to tracking job board effectiveness.

Setup is Simple

Companies using an ATS system will display a static "thank you" page confirming a completed apply. The eQuest Tracking Pixel needs to be added into the HTML of a single page by your IT team, ATS Admin or whichever party has access to the source code. It shouldn't require more than a few minutes of actual effort. 

  1. Ask eQuest Support for the HTML Tracking Pixel string
  2. Simply include the HTML Tracking Pixel string anywhere in the "thank you" page, or whichever static page follows a completed candidate resume submission.
The string should be placed within the "thank you" page in its entirety.

Candidates will never actually see the tracking beacon; it quietly captures the completed job apply record.

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