Before moving into production, the following must take place (in this order):
- a request to review the integration must be made via the project site (by your integration team)
- the eQuest integration team will generally review the integration within 5-10 business days
- once our team has approved the integration, we begin the process of setting up a production Post URL
- the Post URL is provided via the project site within 5-10 business days
- while the production Post URL is being set up, you will request a kickoff call that includes your integration team and someone from your support team. Our operations and support team will attend the call.
Сovered on this call (the call should take no longer than 30 minutes):
- client setup process
- ownership of issues/requests
- client expectations
- points of contact/escalations
- the Post URL is provided via the project site. This is last thing that is necessary to go live.
- if you would like to do production posts to the job boards, please make the request via the project site. Test jobs are not posted to the boards from our testing environment, the delivery engine only works from production.
NOTE: if your Post URL has the word "testing" in it, you do not have a production Post URL.