1. Indeed (Sponsored) Guide

Indeed (Sponsored) Guide

Board Overview

Integration Type Automated Job Feed
Delivery Type FTP
eQuest Pipeline ID Indeed
Board URL https://www.indeed.com/
Delivery Times (UTC) 00:38,3:38, 6:38, 9:38,12:38,15:38, 18:38, 21:38
HTML Allowed YES
Known Character Limit NO
Board Posting Duration Default to 28 days, but can be changed
Has Board Specific Data Fields YES - optional
Special Requirements

Please let Indeed know when the first Sponsored jobs are posted. They need to "index" jobs.

In order to index jobs properly, Indeed requires the career site URL to land on the job details page (the job details in the XML feed are not used to index).

Your account must be a Sponsored account with Indeed.

Please contact your Indeed rep for further details.

Known Issues/Limitations Organic Jobs cannot be sent via eQuest without prior approval by Indeed (related KB)

Board Configuration (for Admins)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
Email open text YES Existing username can be used - Please let Indeed know what username is setup in eQuest.
Password open text YES Existing password can be used
Verification open text YES This value is not required by Indeed, it was added by eQuest so we make sure the person that sets up each Indeed board instance reads about how Indeed (sponsored) works. Please first try to add board instance without any value, the validation will fail and a message will be displayed; please read all message so you will know how to pass validation for the board instance.
PostingExpireDays open text NO If your contract allows for posting lengths greater than the default of 28 days, enter that value in the PostingExpireDays field during setup.

Board Specific Data (for Users)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
Profit Center open text NO This is ONLY REQUIRED when you have profit center feature with Indeed; otherwise, please DO NOT enable this board Specific Data page in your Indeed board instance.
CompanyName_Selector dropdown NO When you have more than one Company Name, the CompanyName_Selector can be used.  This allows the Users to select from the various Company Name options on a per-post basis. Please contact eQuest support to add the feature.

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