1. CareerBuilder Guide

CareerBuilder Guide

Board Overview

Integration Type Automated Job Feed
Delivery Type SOAP
eQuest Pipeline ID Careerbuilder
Board URL http://www.careerbuilder.com/
Delivery Times (UTC) Realtime
HTML Allowed YES - but limited HTML tags allowed
Known Character Limit Job Title: 64 character
Job Description: Unlimited
Board Posting Duration 30 days
Has Board Specific Data Fields YES - Optional
Special Requirements All CareerBuilder postings go through the same gateway/batch feed. The CareerBuilder board that your job is sent to is determined by the location of the job. However, your contract with CareerBuilder must allow for postings to each of the countries mentioned above, or the jobs will error out.
Known Issues/Limitations Closing and reposting your CareerBuilder posting prior to the end of the 30-day post period will simply reopen the original posting. The posting date and expiration date of the job will remain the same as the original posting.

Board Configuration (for Admins)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
Username open text YES The DPI (Bulkposter) Username provided by your CareerBuilder Account Representative.
Password open text YES The DPI Password provided by your CareerBuilder Account Representative.
JobSkinID open text NO

This field allows you to specify the unique ID which will be used to identify the particular Job Skin that will be used for the posting.  The job skin must already exist on the client’s account.  The client should contact their CareerBuilder Account Manager to retrieve this value.

CBName open text NO CBName is the ID of CareerBuilder hosted template that all jobs should be associated with. CBName is also known as 'Brandbuilder ID' or 'HHName'.
*The CBName is applied on the CareerBuilder end and is not setup in eQuest.

We also allow an optional value (separated by comma) after the CBName; if this format is used, the second value will become the CBCustAccountCode. CBCustAccountCode is sometimes useful in the Careerbuilder activity reports for those situations where the ATS always sends eQuest one company name. If you have many brands with different names that you need to bill back to, you can use CBCustAccountCode to specify each brand name.

The CBCustAccountCode value will then be included in the CareerBuilder activity reports. Otherwise, we default CBCustAccountCode to the company name sent over in the job (via the ATS).

*CBCustAccountCode can be used in conjunction with CBName_Selector.
CBName_Selector dropdown NO Allows users to select from more than one CareerBuilder hosted template on a per post basis. Overrides the CBName field. Contact eQuest Support if you would like to use the CBName Selector.
IO_CustAcctCode boolean NO Will pass the IO Number for the job into the CB field CustAcctCode. Will override any other field used to assign CustAcctCode
NativeApply boolean NO When selected, will use CB's native candidate application process and will override the ATS candidate response url.

Board Specific Data (for Users)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
Job Location dropdown NO The major difference between U.S. and other regions is the Job Location "lookup".  U.S. job postings will offer a Dynamic Mapping USPS lookup--all other regions will get a picklist of values offered based on the Job Country.
Education dropdown NO Netherlands only
Manages Others dropdown NO Defaults to "Not Specified" if no selection is made on this field.
Average Annual Bonus dropdown NO Defaults to "Not Specified" if no selection is made on this field.
Minimum Experience open text NO --
Maximum Experience open text NO --
Industry dropdown NO Up to 3 selections
Job Type dropdown NO Up to 3 selections
Employee Type dropdown NO --


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