2. PhenomPeople Board Settings

 Please refer to the table below for a list of field(s) that you will be prompted for in order to add and authenticate this job board in the Admin Tool. The 1st column in the table contains the field label(s) and the 4th column contains instructions on how to obtain or assign values for each of the fields.  Whether or not a value is required or optional is indicated in the 3rd column as 'yes' for required and 'no' for optional.

field label value type required description
Client ID open text yes Client ID will be provided by PhenomPeople
FallbackUrl open text yes In the event that PhenomPeople does not provide the candidate response URL, the value provided in this field will be used in its stead.
ReportsEmail open text no In case of the aforementioned failure, eQuest will make continued attempts to retrieve a Phenom Url.  After a number of attempts have been reached, the process will stop and send a detailed log to the email provided in this field.
SiteType list no Defaults to external.  Some site types are unique per client and can be assigned as group level additional data.
Category list yes Category is unique per client and is assigned as group level additional data.
Please contact your Implementation Specialist or eQuest customer support if you have a category list.
Locale list no

The locale setting.  Defaults to US English.


Region list depends     Region list is unique per client.  It is required if present.
StoreOriginalURL boolean no When set to True, will store the original candidate response URL as AdditionalData and will use that value to override any future response URL updates.
CampaignSourceID1, CampaignSourceID2,  CampaignSourceID3, etc. comma separated values no Allows a utm_campaign parameter to be specified for a given pipeline's candidate response url. (pipeline,campaign)
AuthUser open text no Used to override default eQuest credentials
AuthPass open text no Used to override default eQuest credentials
OverrideURL open text no Used to override default endpoint URL

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