1. Jobup Guide

Jobup Guide

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Board Overview

Integration Type Automated Job Feed
Delivery Type FTP
Media Type Full Replace
eQuest Pipeline ID Jobup
Board URL http://www.jobup.ch
Delivery Times (UTC) At 12:08, 18:08.
HTML Allowed YES
Known Character Limit N/A
Board Posting Duration 60 days
Has Board Specific Data Fields YES - required
Special Requirements N/A
Known Issues/Limitations NO
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Board Configuration (for Admins)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
ZLogin open text YES the login value provided by Jobup, this value is also used to give the filename of the file with jobs delivered to Jobup's FTP server - for example if you use "acme" as ZLogin value filename would be "acme.xml"
CandidatesResponse dropdown YES Client should set this either to 'Email' ,'DirectLink Level1' or 'DirectLink Level2' based on the contract they have with Jobup
Template dropdown NO The logo template is available only for clients that have multiple logos for the same account
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Board Specific Data (for Users)

Field Name Field Type Required Description
Function dropdown YES --
Sub-Function dropdown YES up to 3 selections
Contact Last Name opentext YES available only for accounts with CandidatesResponse AD with values: DirectLinkLevel2 and Email
Contact First Name open text YES available only for accounts with CandidatesResponse AD with values: DirectLinkLevel2 and Email
Sector dropdown NO --
Contract Type dropdown NO --
Special criteria dropdown NO --
Permit open text NO --
Contact Gender open text YES available only for accounts with CandidatesResponse AD with values: DirectLinkLevel2 and Email

Integration Updates

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