There are five possible transactions: add, update, delete, list and unpost.
Invoked when action is "add", this transaction results in an interactive eQuest session that provides users with an interface to select destination boards, board specific values and confirm job parameters the latter two being optional steps dependent on user preferences and board configuration.
This transaction has two possible uses: the initial creation of a job record in eQuest or an interactive method to update an existing record and select additional boards. Thus, if you wish the user to always have the option of selecting additional boards when submitting new data, use "add" in place of "update".
Invoked when action is "update", this non-interactive process validates incoming job data and updates an existing job record with the new values.
In contrast to an "add" transaction, there is no way for the user to correct invalid parameters; an invalid parameter will result in an error.
Invoked when action is "delete", this non-interactive process deletes either an entire job record or specific postings. Note, that even though this is non-interactive action it can be performed by client's browser (using HTML form), client will be re-directed back to return_url when action is completed. If action is performed by a server, simply pass any valid return_url. Response will contain HTTP code 302 with Location header.
If the request contains board_id_x parameters, then only postings for those boards are deleted. The value of each parameter is the board instance identifier sent back to your ATS in the Return.
This action requires the following parameters:
Invoked when action is "list", this interactive process lists all active job records associated with an account, and includes specific postings for each active job. This page allows users to:
This action accepts only these parameters:
Invoked when action is "unpost", this interactive process brings users back to the post page, allowing them to target specific boards (postings) for deletion. This page allows users to:
This action accepts only these parameters: